Technology has become a crucial part of our daily life. No matter what we do we do require web or app development as a resource. No matter what field you are in, creating an app or a website is essential for a big business boom. Web Development companies usually provide services for both iOS and windows. If you are looking for a change of career or merely just learning something new, this niche is something worth considering. But where to begin is the main point…In programming, it is best suggested to start learning a single language.
Programming can be intimidating, to begin with. So here is a list of top programming languages that you might want to learn in 2024:
10 Top Programming Languages To Learn In 2024
1) Kotlin
It was designed by JetBrains in the year 2011. It is mainly used for front-end web development. The files used for programming are saved with an extension of .kt or .kts, the whole language is incorporated within java itself. This language is easy to learn compared to many others like it.
2) Java
Java is an object-oriented programming language. James Gosling was the one who developed it. The files in this programming language are saved with an extension of .java. It is used for both front and backend web development and provides many extended libraries and functionalities that are extremely useful.
3) JavaScript
This is one of the most used languages by web development companies in recent times. Its abbreviation is JS. Its typing interface is dynamic and is a multi-paradigm, objected oriented programming language. Designed by developer Brendan Eich. As of the recent year, almost all web developers use JS along with HTML and CSS.
4) SQL
SQL stands for Standard Query Language. It was developed by IBM in the year 1974. It is used for managing databases and keeping records. This programming language is easy to learn and implement as it has a declarative paradigm. It manages data in relational databases and helps to make data tracking easy.
5) PHP
Hypertext Preprocess is the complete form of PHP Rasmus Lerdorf worked on the development in the year 1994 It has a weak typing interface and is implemented in C language. It is mainly used by web developers to create dynamic interfaces that allow the management of systematic and easy-to-manage databases by clients. Though a bit complex to implement it has shortcode writing.
6) C++ or CPP
C++ is an objected oriented programming language that is used for hybrid app development. Although web development companies don’t use CPP for complete web development it is very important to get your concept for OOP languages cleared.
7) GO
Go also popularly known as Golang was developed at Google by developer Robert Griesemer in 2007. It is used to manage huge codes and fill out any gaps that are left behind by web developers in Java. All files of Golang are saved with .go extension Big tech giants like Netflix use it.
8) Python
Python is an extremely easy-to-learn programming language that does not have syntax boundaries. It is used to solve higher-level machine language problem statements. This language is used by web developers all around the world as it is beginner friendly. It is hence used by many popular apps like Pinterest and Youtube for algorithm implementation.
9) Swift
Swift is an open-source programing language that was used by web development companies for the development of applications. It is mostly used for the development of iOS functionalities and has shown a steep rise in downloads in the past year.
10) Scala
This app was mainly developed to solve problem statements that emerged during java programming. Unlike Java, it supports both OOP and conditional programming hence it has found its use in many popular apps like Twitter and eBay. It uses web development and some parts of machine learning. Also, it does not follow strict syntax rules, hence web development has a bit of freedom compared to java.
Numerous programming languages are available but what are the best ways to choose which one is best for web development implementation?
Here are a few ways to consider which one to choose:
- You need to consider what is your main goal to learn this language. What is the purpose? After that, you can decide which one to pick as this helps you decide whether you have to work on the front end or backend part.
- Next, you might want to consider the functionality of that language. What are the technicalities that you want to learn and does this platform satisfy that problem?
- Next, you want to hire a web developer in case you find difficulty in developing a certain part of the app or website.
- Lastly, trying out multiple languages in web development has no set boundaries!