Hire .Net Developers might save you your business and I’ll tell you why. Look around yourself. Yes, it doesn’t matter where you are right now. Just give your eyes a little break, and take a look around.
Do you see any typewriters? Do you see any fax machines? Or how about a rotary dial? I guess not.
What does this tell you, dear reader?
For me it’s simple.
If you don’t evolve with time, you will be discarded by society. It can happen to anyone, it can happen anytime, so you do not get to be complacent in this game.
But don’t worry. If you’re reading this article, then it means you want to step up and bring your business to a new level. Well, congratulations. It takes a lot of failures for people to learn from their mistakes. But here you are, learning from theirs. You should be proud.
Anyways, let’s get back on track.
So, in order to make your business digital, you’re going to need to hire .Net Developers that know what they are doing. And if that’s your goal, then, my friend, you’re at the right place.
In this article, we will go through:
1) What is .Net Development?
2) Who are these .Net Developers and why are they so important?
3) Prerequisites before you hire .Net Developers.
4) How to look for .Net Developers.
So, before any further ado, let’s get going!
1) What Is .Net Development?
Back in the glory days of 2002, Microsoft released the .Net framework which is basically an ecosystem that allows easy web application engineering.
And yeah, the keyword here is, easy.
This means this framework was super-fast and delightfully simple to use when compared to its competitors.
It is a completely open-sourced, cross-platform system that allows you to create different types of applications.
You can create almost anything with this platform by your side. It supports a ton of languages and is great for mobile app development ranging from simple mobile games to complex systems like IoT.
But with that being said, here are some of the things you should keep a focus on for our next step, and that is.
2) Who Are These .Net Developers and Why Are They So Important?
In many ways, they’re the Gollum to your Lord of The Rings. They work in the shadows and tend to go a bit cranky at times. But deep down, we all know that without .Net Developers, we won’t be able to walk up to the proverbial mountain that is web application engineering.
Now, before you even get started, I would like to say something that might hurt your feelings.
It doesn’t matter how much computer science you know, if you aren’t a .Net Developer, then you must hire a .Net Developer.
As an entrepreneur, you have no time to learn a new programming framework, so your best chance is to hire a competent .Net Developer who knows what he is doing.
.Net includes a ton of important definitions such as Framework class library and common language runtime, and for security purposes, Common Type System.
By hiring a .NET developer, you will save a whole lot of time and time and money. And guess what, you'll be getting the same results with less code.
This is why it is so important to hire .Net Developers. Even if you have the knowledge of coding, a .Net Developer will still be a great addition to your arsenal.
This brings us to our next point and that is.
3) Prerequisites Before You Hire .Net Developers
You can’t just hire .Net Developers out of the blue. Just like hiring any team member, it can take some effort to find the right match for your vision.
This is why you should know what you’re diving into when going toward this route. You should have at least a basic knowledge of Computer science.
You have to know what are the basic responsibilities of a .Net Developer. Their responsibilities are varied, ranging from designing to implementing and developing software applications according to your needs.
Here is a list of things they should know:
.NET and its internals (JIT, CLR, GAC), Web services, C#, VN.NET, Asp.NET, OOP principles, HTML, CSS, Visual Studio.NET, JQuery, JavaScript, Angular JS, SQL.
Mind you, this is just a .Net developer's arsenal when he is just starting. Hire web developers that will have a higher skill set which can include Bootstrap experience, ASP.NET, XML, HTML, CSS, and experience working with AngularJS.
So, now you have a basic understanding of what sort of level you need when you’re hire .Net Developer.
Now the only thing that’s left is.
4) How To Look For .Net Developers
Know What You Want
Are you looking to hire someone for a one-off project? Then maybe look for a freelancer. They can be very cost-effective but not very loyal in the long run.
Do you have a steady supply of projects so do you also want someone to stick with you?
Then maybe hire a team P.R. professional .Net Developers and see your business grow.
At the end of the day, everything depends on you and your choice.
Create a Simple Add
It's that simple. No really, it’s just that simple. A simple add can do wonders that a creative adds just cant. .Net Developers tend to focus more on the needs of the firm and what they can offer you and Vice Versa. Make the offer simple and elegant, and see the magic unfold.
Make Sure To Focus on Soft Skills As Well
Development is a team effort. No one in the entirety of the IT sector will ever accept that something can be done just by a single person. The concept of a One Man Army just doesn’t exist. Your candidate needs to have team skills and soft skills. Period.
Judge Him on the Correct Skills
You have our list, use it well! The best candidate should have the right combination of soft and hard skills that suits your company’s culture and needs. This is why at Hyperlink InfoSystem, we bring you the best of .Net Developers that can work their magic, just the way you want to.
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