Web development is being taken very seriously all over the world. People want the best technological solutions to all the problems that they face in life. Some major companies are also cutting down on labor costs with the help of automation. On the other hand, it also helps to create an exclusive platform to cater to the client's needs.
But to achieve this, you need the platform. The best ones performing exceptionally well in the market are javascript development and typescript development. These are helping to code the features easily in a very less amount of time. When you work on core projects you will get a deeper knowledge of how the predefined features work for you.
JavaScript is one of the most highly backed languages that is being used for 90% of the websites that are running very successfully today. But just like every other market, this market too is very competitive. For this reason, typescript development is here to compete with javascript development with the variety of features that it brings to the developers.
JavaScript and Typescript are open source programming languages, which means that you do not have to pay anything extra to download them. But which is the best? Let us find out as you read further.
Actual Differences Between Typescript and Javascript
As we all know, all the javascript code can be run in
typescript development which gives it a superior hand above the former. To explain in simple terms JS with some additional features is what makes up typescript. Although extensions wise just like java and kotlin are a subset and superset of each other so is the case for these two. The file type is saved as .JS and .TS for each of them respectively. But the question still remains..what lead to the development of typescript? Let us answer this in the next segment.
What Lead to the Development of Typescript?
Javascript development focuses more on front-end development. This is the side of the application that reacts with the clients. The part of the app where the UI/UX comes into play. But after a while, the developers learned that this could be used in the backend as well. But after a while, all of them came to know that it was becoming more efficient and the code was becoming too loaded. Hence, JS was failing to meet the need of the OOP category. This is the reason, typescript development came into existence.
Understanding Typescript Development
To put it in simple terms typescript development is the better version of JS. Typescript is currently being maintained by the Microsoft team which is working hard to make it error-free. This is a more statical approach to the handling of complex functionalities. It has a better approach to the presentation of the code and the format of writing it. Plus, it also has a very big advantage in that all the code that has been written in JS can be compiled in typescript as it is a superset of it. It is a combination of both static and dynamic approaches to the functions that are being written in the source code. It has a variety of classes, predefined functions, and modules that make it different from other platforms that are available in the market. The developers can execute it on the top backend platforms like Node JS and ECMA. One of the biggest advantages of this platform is that allows the inculcation of various other codes from different programming languages within the code that is being used. This makes it extremely flexible compared to other languages.
Are Javascript and Typescript Used in Frontend or Backend?
When it comes to javascript development, it is obvious that it can be used in the frontend of the code. Along with this, it is used to hook the user interface components of the program to the backend. The backend is the part that handles the logic and then stores the data that is inputted by the user in their interfaces. Essentially, it is used to create a logical hook to link the frontend to this logic-driven mechanism that is the brain of the program. It is mostly combined with
On the other hand, typescript development also can be used in both parts of development which include the frontend and the backend. This is being made possible due to the flexibility that it offers. This makes the compilation of the code that has been written in different languages easy to execute. The main difference is that typescript is better with scalability. This means that big cooperations or people that have a lot of traffic flow can use typescript so that the apps and websites do not crash frequently. But, one needs to know how and which language to combine with it.
Main Features of Typescript
There are some exclusive features of typescript development that make it the top choice of developers these days. They are as follows:
It has high compatibility which means that you can combine code segments from different languages very easily.
It has the access to static typing which allows the developers to increase their productivity and speed during the coding process.
It has a variety of classes, functions, and predefined categories that you can include within your program very easily.
It has huge community support so any time you get stuck, you can easily look up help online.
As the need for apps and websites increase, so will the need to come up with the most efficient and beneficial platforms that will cater to these needs. In the current market, javascript development and typescript development are two strong competitors that are going neck to neck with each other. Both have their own advantages and can be used in the frontend and the backend of the code as well. They are highly compatible but one needs to know how to combine them with other software to bring the best features forward for the client. The rest is for the developers to decide.